




Notre processus aide le Canada à trouver des solutions de développement durable intégrant les considérations environnementales et économiques afin d'assurer la prospérité et le bien-être de notre nation.


We rigorously research and conduct high quality analysis on issues of sustainable development. Our thinking is original and thought provoking.


We convene opinion leaders and experts from across Canada around our table to share their knowledge and diverse perspectives. We stimulate debate and integrate polarities. We create a context for possibilities to emerge.


We generate ideas and provide realistic solutions to advise governments, Parliament and Canadians. We proceed with resolve and optimism to bring Canada’s economy and environment closer together.

le 27 octobre 2011 – Rencontre de dirigeants financiers – Toronto (Ontario)

L’essentiel de la gestion des risques et des occasions découlant du changement climatique

La TRNEE en partenariat avec le réseau Entreprise et développement durable a tenu un forum d’une demi-journée à l’intention des dirigeants financiers sur l’adaptation au changement climatique et le milieu des affaires. Ce forum s’inscrivait dans le cadre des travaux de la TRN sur son rapport sur le cheminement stratégique pour l’adaptation au changement climatique (Rapport n ° 5 à la série Prospérité climatique).

Ce forum a exploré l’analyse de rentabilisation des mesures visant à gérer les effets des changements climatiques et à s’y adapter. Les participants y ont entendu les questions que posent les acteurs du marché financier (p. ex. organismes de réglementation, investisseurs, prêteurs et assureurs) au sujet de l’exposition des entreprises aux risques climatiques et y ont entendu parler des outils et stratégies qu’utilisent les entreprises chefs de file pour saisir des occasions d’affaires et gérer les risques liés aux changements climatiques.



Gestion des risques commerciaux et des occasions d’affaires présentés par le changement climatique: Introduction à l’adaptation au changement climatique pour les dirigeants d’entreprises



Elizabeth Atkinson
Manager-Policy, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada

Andrea Baldwin
Associate Principal

Tima Bansal
Executive Director
Network for Business Sustainability

Ian Bragg
Associate Director, Research, Policy & Institutional Services
Social Investment Organization

Sherri Brillon
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
EnCana Corporation

Nicholas Cheung
National Practice Area Leader – Sustainability
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

Michael Conway
Chief Executive & National President (Toronto Chapter)
Financial Executives International Canada

John Coyne
Vice President & General Counsel
Unilever Canada Inc.

Julie Desjardins
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

Jimena Eyzaguirre
Senior Policy Advisor
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Rachel Faulkner
Administration & Logistics
National Round Table on the Environment and Economy

Blair Feltmate
Associate Professor and Director, Sustainability Practice
University of Waterloo

Eleanor Fritz
Director, Compliance & Disclosure
Toronto Stock Exchange

Brian Kelly
Interim Advisor, Climate Change Office of the CAO
Region of Durham

Matthew Kiernan
Chief Executive Officer
Inflection Point Capital Management

Patricia Koval
Torys LLP

Gordon Lambert
Vice-President Sustainable Development
Suncor Energy Inc.

Pam Laughland
Knowledge Director
Network for Business Sustainability

Suzanne Loney
Policy Advisor
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Leslie Markow
Chief Financial Officer
Solutions4CO2 Inc.

Jo-Anne Matear
Assistant Manager, Corporate Finance
Ontario Securities Commission

David McLaughlin
President & Chief Executive Officer
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Doug Morrow
Senior Associate
ICF Marbek

Sandra Odendahl
Director, Corporate Environmental Affairs
Royal Bank of Canada

Kathleen O’Neill
Manager, Strategic Policy
Ontario Ministry of Environment

Robert Slater
NRTEE Vice-Chair
Adjunct Professor, Environmental Policy
Carleton University

Barb Steele
Director, Strategic Partnerships
Network for Business Sustainability

Gregor Robinson
Senior Vice-President, Policy
Chief Economist
Insurance Bureau of Canada

Jason Thistlethwaite
Project Manager, The Climate Change Adaptation Project:  Canada Research Coordinator,
The institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction University of Waterloo

Barbara Turley-McIntyre
Director, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship
The Co-operators Group Ltd

Jeffrey Williams
Director of Climate Consulting
Entergy Corporation

Bob Willard
Author & Speaker
The Sustainability Advantage

Laura Zizzo
Zizzo Allan Climate Law LLP

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