



Our process helps Canada achieve sustainable development solutions that integrate environmental and economic considerations to ensure the lasting prosperity and well-being of our nation.


We rigorously research and conduct high quality analysis on issues of sustainable development. Our thinking is original and thought provoking.


We convene opinion leaders and experts from across Canada around our table to share their knowledge and diverse perspectives. We stimulate debate and integrate polarities. We create a context for possibilities to emerge.


We generate ideas and provide realistic solutions to advise governments, Parliament and Canadians. We proceed with resolve and optimism to bring Canada’s economy and environment closer together.

Management Action Plan – Core Control Audit of the NRTEE

Management Action Plan
Core Control Audit of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy’s (NRTEE) Opinion of the Audit Report:

NRT’s Management Planning Committee has reviewed the management letter, audit report and the findings and recommendations contained therein. NRT Management is in agreement with the findings as they accurately reflect the current state of internal control over financial management, contracting, travel and hospitality and human resources.



Management Action Plan Core Control Audit – Recommendations
Recommendations Priority Response and Planned Actions Responsibilities
(position title responsible for the action)
(actual planned dates of implementation)
  1. NRTEE should ensure that expenditure initiation and individual commitments are approved, prior to expenses being incurred, by an individual with the delegated authority to do so.
Medium Response: Management agrees with this finding.  
Planned Actions:
Refresher training sessions for managers, staff and administrative assistants on financial delegation, including expenditure initiation are scheduled for January 13, 2012. Subsequent training sessions will be provided as when needed for new managers, staff and administrative assistants. Manager, Finance and Contracts January 2012
The NRT will implement a Request for Services form to capture expenditure initiation and commitment authority for all staffing requests by January 2012. Manager, Human Resources January 2012
The expenditure initiation and commitment authority processes are being reviewed by NRT’s Finance unit. Where appropriate forms, guidelines and policies will be revised to ensure that Section 32 is exercised correctly and documentation is retained. Manager, Finance and Contracts January 2012
Blanket authorities for travel and conference attendance for key positions will be implemented to streamline the approval processes while ensuring control over these expenses is maintained. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) April 2012