Water Governance Workshop – Sherbrooke, Quebec – March 8, 2011
On March 8, 2011, the NRT hosted a one-day workshop on water governance in collaboration with the Conseil de gouvernance de l’eau des bassins versants de la rivière Saint-François (COGESAF) in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
The purpose of the workshop was to explore how collaborative governance might assist in achieving effective, efficient, and equitable water use by the natural resources sectors. An additional aim was to develop a better understanding of criteria for assessing when collaborative water governance models should be pursued.
This event was part of a national initiative from the NRT on the sustainable use of water by the natural resource sectors in Canada. The overall objectives of the program are to address the following questions:
(1) Does Canada have enough water to support economic growth while maintaining the health of our country’s ecosystems, given that the development of the natural resource sectors is on the rise (agriculture, mining, forestry and energy production), and with pressures on water resources due to increasing population and a changing climate?
(2) Is Canada in a position to manage water resources sustainably for future generations?
Gisèle Lacasse Benoit
Memphrémagog Conservation inc.
Denis Bergeron
Denis Boutin
Ressources naturelles Canada
Jacinthe Caron
Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie
Patrick Cartier
Catherine Choquette
Université de Sherbrooke
Alice Cohen
Université de Colombie-Britannique
Richard Cooke
Michel Cyr
Ville de Sherbrooke
Patrick Donovan
The Conference Publishers
René Drolet
Directeur, Politiques & Recherche
Denise Edwards
Adjointe administrative
Christine Fliesen
Ville de Sherbrooke
Serge Forest
Ville de Sherbrooke
Catherine Frizzle
Georges Gangbazo
Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs
Julie Grenier
Barry Husk
BlueLeaf inc.
Martin Larrivée
Aménagement forestier coopératif de Wolfe
Andre Lavoie
Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Claire Leclerc
Stéphanie Martel
Directrice générale
Nicolas Milot
Université de Sherbrooke
François Paquette
Centre d’information topographique de Sherbrooke
Ressources naturelles Canada
Jean-Paul Raiche
Lyse Rouillard
Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie